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33 ALERTS alerts are sent by the user double-clicking on the 33 HelpME Panic Alert Button. The 33 HelpME button is always visible on the user’s computer. The 33 HelpME button is about the size of a nickel and users can drag it to any location on the screen. The 33 HelpME button can easily be pushed aside to not interfere with any application that the user may be using. When help is needed, the user double-clicks the 33 HelpME button and within seconds, the alert is sent to all members of the response team.

Step #1 - 33 ALERTS Installation

Download and Install 33 ALERTS application. Using remote installation software allows for a fast process to “push” the 33 ALERTS application to all devices that exist on the network.

Step #2 - 33 ALERTS Configuration

Log in as the Application Administrator. The first administrator to log in will be designated as the “DA” (District Administrator). The DA will have total control over the entire application, including all schools, all users, all settings, and all alerts. The DA will need to create an “SA” (School Administrator) for each school. The SA will have similar control; to the DA, but the SA’s control is limited to this single school. Each school will need a unique SA. The DA/SA will add the school information (school ID#, school name, address, phone, fax, etc….). In addition, the DA/SA can also create Alert messages. Alert messages can be saved and recalled for later use, and new Alert messages can be created at any time.

Create the district and/or school Alert Messages.

Generally, the response team includes the school administrators, school security, SROs, coaches, and others who may carry two-way school radios. District personnel can also be designated as members of the District Response Team. The District Response Team would receive alerts from all schools.

Add all teachers and other school personnel that will have 33 HelpME Alert buttons installed on their computers. Other possible people to install 33 HelpME on their computers could be the front office, nurse, cafeteria, media center, maintenance, etc…

Teacher and staff information can be imported into 33 HelpME. The required information is First Name, Last Name, Employee ID#, Employee Email Address, Cell (mobile) Phone #. If import for the entire district is being done, the school ID# for each employee would also be required.

Step #3 - First Time Login

After 33 HelpME is installed on staff computers, then when staff starts their computer, they will see a 33 HelpME
prompt for them to log in. Their login information will be their user name (email address) and password (last 4 digits of the employee ID#) and their classroom or office location (i.e. Room 203, Front Office, etc…).If the staff’s cell phone # does not exist, they will be prompted to provide the phone #.

At the end of the day, employees can either exit (close) Windows and in so doing, 33 HelpME will also be closed. Following this procedure will not require the employee to re-login again the following day. 33 HelpME will automatically start after Windows starts and the 33 HelpME button will automatically di8splay. If the employee closes 33 HelpME and then exists (closes) Windows, then the following day, they will be prompted to again log into 33 HelpME.

How It Works

The Next Step in School Safety
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33 Alerts works on Windows PC, Mac, Tablets, iPad, Android Smart Phones, and iOS Devices.
The 33 Alerts app is free either Google Play, or Apples's App Store.